- 《田中謙二》
Chuhma N, Tanaka KF, Rene Hen, Stephan Rayport.
(2011) Functional Connectome of the Striatal Medium-Spiny Neuron.
J Neurosci 31(4):1183-1192
(co-first author)
Tanaka KF, Ahmari SE, Leonardo ED, Richardson-Jones JW, Budreck EC, Scheiffele
P, Sugio S, Inamura N, Ikenaka K, Hen R.
Flexible Accelerated STOP Tetracycline Operator-Knockin (FAST): A Versatile
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Biol Psychiatry. 67:770-773, 2010
Tanaka H, Ma J, Tanaka KF, Takao K, Komada M, Tanda K, Suzuki A, Ishibashi
T, Baba H, Isa T, Shigemoto R, Ono K, Miyakawa T, Ikenaka K.
Mice with altered myelin proteolipid protein gene expression display cognitive
deficits accompanied by abnormal neuron-glia interactions and decreased
conduction velocities.
J Neurosci. 29:8363-8371, 2009
(co-first author)
Tanaka KF, Takebayashi H, Yamazaki Y, Ono K, Naruse M, Iwasato T, Itohara
S, Kato H, Ikenaka K.
The murine model of Alexander disease: analysis of GFAP aggregate formation
and its pathological significance.
Glia 55:617-631, 2007
Takata N, Mishima T, Hisatsune C, Nagai T, Ebisui E, Mikoshiba K, Hirase
Astrocyte calcium signaling transforms cholinergic modulation to cortical
plasticity in vivo. (2011)
J Neurosci. 31(49):18155-65.
Takata N, Hirase H.
Cortical layer 1 and layer 2/3 astrocytes exhibit distinct calcium dynamics
in vivo. (2008)
PLoS One. 3(6):e2525.